英[ˌprɒstɪˈtju:ʃn] 美[ˌprɑstəˈtuʃn] 释义 n. 卖淫;滥用某事物;出卖灵魂 实用场景例句 全部 卖淫 Many women were forced intoprostitution. 许多妇女被迫为娼。 牛津词典 She eventually drifts intoprostitution. 她最终沦为妓女。
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Wikipedia. ?Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers. prostitution (common usage) a practice involving sexual services for payment or other reward. (legalistic usage) a sex-specific offence; ...
Should prostitution be legalized? This issue has been debated for many years. There are those who believe that legalizing prostitution will bring benefits like, improved human rights, better health and economic benefits. They also assert that prostitution is the oldestK Ndinda...
In contrary to popular belief, prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas; there are rural areas in Nevada where brothels are running and prostitution is condoned, but in the county of Clark, it is the opposite. Although it may not be true, legalizing prostitution can bring Las Vegas and the...
prostitution Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia ?Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers. pros·ti·tu·tion (prŏs′tĭ-to͞o′shən, -tyo͞o′-) n. 1. a.The practice of engaging in sex acts in exchange for money. ...
Legal Prostitution: The German and Dutch Models Chapter © 2017 Notes V. Loshak, ‘Zakulisnye milliardy’, Moskovskie novosti, No. 15, 1989, p. 12. Google Scholar Y. Dodolev, ‘Oprokinuty mir’, Smena, No. 5, 1987, p. 30. Google Scholar V. Vitaliev, ‘“chuma lyubvi” —...
Isupportlegal prostitution, in part because the alternative of pushing these unfortunate women even further into the underground economy would be worse. But that doesn’t change the fact that these women don’t have good lives. And the misery ofdemocratic socialism in Greeceis making their lives...
prostitution should be made legal because first of all, social crimes will be reduced. if it is legalized, the act will be regulated instead of ignored. the government will be able to create policies that control the business of prostitution and will have laws to punish offenders. let's ...
And like the great US comedian George Carlin pointed out, “Sex is legal. Selling is legal. So why isn’t selling sex legal?!” Ricky Roehr Bishop Guide Responsible for the US Raelian Movement
prostitutionsex workmens reastrict liabilityhuman traffickingFor decades, prostitution laws in America have focused exclusively on contractual consent: the agreement to exchange sexual services for a fee. Courts and legislatures alike ignored volitional consent, or traditional , by concentrating on the ...