Number of countries withNo lawsfor prostitution: 5 The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, from being legal and considered a profession to being punishable by death. In some jurisdictions prostitution is illegal. In other places prostitution itself (exchanging sex for money)...
“Prostitution is expanding from red-light urban districts into the leafy suburbs, propelled mostly by mainland Chinese women on tourist visas and fuelling a growing underground sex industry in a country known for prudish laws and orderly living. The trend follows a blossoming in ties between Singa...
In theUnited States, prostitution was at best sporadically controlled until passage of the federalMann Act(1910), which prohibited interstatetransportationof women for “immoral purposes.” By 1915 nearly all states had passed laws that banned brothels or regulated the profits of prostitution. AfterWo...
Hawaii lawmakers are considering decriminalizing prostitution in the Aloha State after House Speaker Joseph Souki introduced a bill. …Transgender activist Tracy Ryan says she’s pushing the bill because transgender women in the sex trade are disproportionately impacted by criminalization laws. …Souki ...
Prostitution Laws Struck Down by Canadian CourtTORONTO Canada's highest court struck down the country's anti-prostitution laws Friday, a...Noronha, Charmaine
The problem of “Prostitution” an Indian perspectiveA prostitute is a person, "who allows her body to be used for lewd purposes in return for payment". Prostitution is the sale of sexual services, such as oral sex or sexual int
Trafficking in humans for sexual exploitation is an economic activity driven by profit motives. Laws regarding commercial sex influence the profitability of trafficking. Using cross country data we show that trafficking of persons for commercial sexual exploitation is least prevalent in countries where pr...
In the State of California, local police and prosecutors are firmly enforcing the criminal laws to cut down on the level of prostitution and solicitation for prostitution in order to appease business owners and residents in areas where sex workers and “Johns” are engaging in solicitation for pro...
The filmmaker often took great risks to follow Minna and Fariba as they sought out customers-men who would often marry them briefly, so as not to violate the laws of Islam by having extramarital sex. The two women are good friends and neighbor, who have experienced the widespread mistreatment...
Brothel Maison Weinthal was shut down by the Amsterdam authorities on June 20th, 1902. Now local brothel-keepers went into appeal with the courts, putting forward that the local City-laws were in contradiction to National laws. Eventually the Supreme Court in the Netherlands held that the Amsterd...