karaokes, entertainment centers, dance halls, boxing clubs, beauty parlors, hairdressers, barbershops, saunas, bathhouses, massage parlors, nightclubs and on the streets. Prostitutes operate openly in almost every major hotel in China. In one survey, 10 percent of sexually-active...
“Consequently, many Karayuki-san were forcefully repatriated to Japan. But many others managed to stay in Singapore or move to other parts of Malaya, illegally selling themselves. Four decades later, a young Japanese woman who settled here after marrying a Singaporean one day encountered a former...
separate from the $5 billion in official development assistance that Japan gave to Korea in line with the reconciliation treaty in1965.” (Why did U.N. Secretary General —Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade— Ban Ki-Moon's agent insist that I should write about the issue of compensation ...