(BPH) or prostate cancer. The normal prostate volume is 15 to 30 cc. Men with prostate volume larger than 30 cc are more likely to be diagnosed with BPH or prostate cancer. "Urology Prostate Calculator: Volume and Density" app is also a practical medical calculator to calculate PSA density...
•We established and validated the CPCC risk calculator predicting biopsy result.•This risk calculator incorporated PSA, DRE result, prostate-volume, age, and free PSA ratio.•The AUC for predicting PCa and HGPCa were 0.801 and 0.826, respectively.•This risk calculator outperformed PCPT-RC...
1840 PROSTATE VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WITH RECTAL EXAMINATION (DRE) WITHIN THE ERSPC RISK CALCULATOR - The Journal of Urologydoi:10.1016/j.juro.2010.02.1779Roobol, Monique J.Kranse, RiesSchr?der, Fritz H.Elsevier Inc.Journal of Urology
Comparative analysis of AA and EA prostate tumors have identified several genomic differences.PTENdeletions,ERGrearrangements and consequentERGover-expression are more frequent in PCas of EA men4,5,6. In contrast,LSAMPandETV3deletions,ZFHX3mutations,MYCandCCND1amplifications andKMT2Dtruncations are mor...
van 0,16 in vergelijking met een model waarin iedereen een PSMA PET/CT-scan zou krijgen (fig.1). Om het gebruiksgemak voor clinici te verhogen, is het model in een dashboard verwerkt (https://psma.prostatecancer-riskcalculator.com/). Figuur2illustreert het gebruik van het dashboard...
Comparing the prediction of prostate biopsy outcome using the Chinese Prostate Cancer Consortium (CPCC) Risk Calculator and the Asian adapted Rotterdam European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) Risk Calculator in Chinese and European men Article 11 April 2020 Incorporating PHI...
Research suggests that a PSA density of 0.1 to 0.15 ng/mL/cc or higher is considered significant (higher risk). In contrast, a value lower than 0.09 ng/mL/cc is considered insignificant (<4% chance).[42][43][44]A PSA density of 0.15 ng/cc is typically the cutoff point.[45][46]...
al.[15], Roobol[16]suggested that, as long as thePSA testis the mainstay in the decision to perform a prostate biopsy, information on prostate volume must be taken into account, preferably on the basis of an objective individual risk assessment using an risk calculator (RC) or a nomogram....
van den Bergh RC, Ahmed HU, Bangma CH, Cooperberg MR, Villers A, Parker CC. Novel tools to improve patient selection and monitoring on active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer: a systematic review. Eur Urol. 2014;65:1023–31. ...
Performance Measure Calculations for High-Grade Cancer using PSA Alone, Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Risk Calculator, Prostate Health Index (PHI), Derived Multiplex 2-Gene and 3-Gene Models, MyProstateScore (MPS), MPS2, and MPS2 Plus Prostate Volume (MPS2+) in the EDRN Validation Cohort ...