patients older than 75 years (category 2B); however, the panel uniformly discourage PSA testing in men unlikely to benefit from prostate cancer diagnosis based on age and/or comorbidity. The panel recommends that frequency of testing be 2 to 4 years for men aged 45 to 75 years with serum P...
Begin Your Journey: Tackling BurnoutSponsored MediaLive EventsInteractive ToolsJob BoardPartnersSponsored Resources Subscribe Prostate Cancer Benign Conditions Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Bladder Cancer Female Urology Genitourinary Cancers Genomic Testing Hormone Therapy Kidney Cancer Kidney StonesKidney StonesKidney ...
Year of treatment was concordant in 98.6% of patients undergoing GC testing at RP, and 87.4% in patients with biopsy GC tests. BCR was identified based on diagnosis code (R 97.21 of ICD-10) (96.3%), unstructured text (0.05%) and both in (3.65%). Similarly, metastases were identified ...
“New DNA Methylation Markers for Pancreatic Cancer: Discovery, Tissue Validation, and Pilot Testing in Pancreatic Juice” Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 21, No. 19, May 28, 2015, pp. 4473-4481. Kisiel et al. “Stool DNA testing for the detection of pancreatic cancer: assessment of ...
BH was used to control the probability of a Type I error rate due to the testing of multiple hypotheses. For Fig. 8 (comparing VCaP and C42B untreated vs Abiraterone-treated cells), one-way ANOVA method was performed (p < 0.05) followed by the Benjamini–Hochberg (BH) procedure for...
an additional analysis was performed which found that the sustained castration rate for relugolix was superior to that for the leuprolide depot (Table1) [12]; however, given that this analysis was not part of the prespecified hierarchical testing, it can only be considered exploratory and would ...
The Benjamini–Hochberg algorithm [30] was used to correct the p-value and obtain the FDR value (multiple hypothesis testing correction was conducted to obtain FDR value). Gene Ontology (GO) function enrichment analysis was performed in three functional ontologies: biological process, cellular ...
The data was split randomly into two groups: one half of the data (50%) comprised the training set (used for model learning), while the other half was used for testing (the previously developed model was used to make predictions on this new data; the observed rates of false positive, ...
BH was used to control the probability of a Type I error rate due to the testing of multiple hypotheses. For Figure 1D,E, as well as for Supplementary Figure S3D, the FDR value was set at <0.25 (for low vs. high Gleason, and for No BCR vs. BCR comparisons, both within AA PCa ...