Comparisons of health-related quality of life among surgery and radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysisdoi:10.18632/oncotarget.21519Cheng ChenZhen ChenKun WangXiaozhou_He
The improved survival was observed for ages 50 years or older, both White patients and Black patients, all tumour stages and grades. This was also demonstrated despite the receipt of surgery or radiation treatment. Conclusions MHS beneficiaries with advanced prostate cancer had longer survival than ...
types have suggested B cells and plasma cells in the TME are significant biomarkers for predicting immunotherapy responsiveness10,23,25. For men with PC receiving immunotherapy in the form of sipuleucel-T, treatment response correlates with induced elevated serum levels of anti-tumor IgG and, ...
After the Transwell was inverted and let to dry, microscopy to observe the cells and record. 2.7 Statistical analysis Using SPSS 26.0 and GraphPad Prism 7.0, the data was analyzed. Student's t-test was used for two-group comparisons, while one-way ANOVA was used for multi-group comparisons...
Although surgery was the most common type of treatment overall in our cohort, the disparity with which it was applied across the 2 types of care venues is striking: more than half of county hospital patients underwent sur- gery, compared with less than a third of private patients. A likely...
However, the role of LLGL2 and the underlying mechanisms in PCa have not yet been elucidated. Here, we investigate the role of LLGL2 in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in PCa through autophagy in vitro and in vivo. Methods PC3 cells were transfected with siLLGL2 ...
followed by a Student-Newman-Keuls test or Tukey's post hoc test for multiple comparisons. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to determine the correlation between miR-583 and JAK1 mRNA expression levels in PCa tissues. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant ...
METHODS: Records of 747 patients who underwent surgery for BPH 2002 onwards were reviewed for prostate volume, median lobe enlargement, post void residual urine, duration and type of medical treatment given for BPH. RESULTS: 601 patients (80.45%) received medical treatment for their Lower urinary ...
13 applied the Partin nomogram to select patients for nerving sparing surgery, and this method led to a significant decrease in the rate of PSM. Hence, Partin nomogram can be recommended as a supplement to patient selection criteria for IFRP. For the functional outcomes, IFRP greatly improved...
In addition, knowledge of these risk factors help researchers evaluate new treatment modalities and therapies as well as help make comparisons across different hospitals1. Because risk factors are so important in patient care it behooves us to do the best job possible in the discovery and use of...