It does not involve any tests but it may be risky because cancer cells may grow between the span of two visits. This approach is typically advised for older men with concurrent health issues or for whom treatment might pose life-threatening risks....
The risks of adverse effects and complications from treatment for prostate cancer are substantial and continue for years after treatment ends. The largest comprehensive analysis reporting long-term risks from such treatment relative to the risks faced by a control group of untreated men has just been...
National Cancer Institute on the effectiveness of finasteride in treatment of prostate cancer. But in the seven-year study, involving more than 9,000 men ages 55 and older, the finasteride group also had a slightly higher rate of aggressive, high grade tumors, which are harder to treat. ...
but which of these risk factors cause a prostate cell to become cancerous is not fully known. For a cancer to develop, changes must occur in the chemicals that make up the DNA, which makes up the genes in the cell. The genes control how the cell ...
Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits ofprostate cancer screeningand having PSA testing if you are 40 years of age with a family history of prostate cancer (or age 50 if you do not have a family history), or are of African-American ancestry. The test results should be conside...
Risks of Watchful Waiting Cancer may grow between monitoring visits and quickly spread to other parts of the body. About Watchful Waiting Click here for the latest prostate cancer news. Videos on Watchful Waiting Watchful waiting is one treatment option for prostate cancer patients, and is discussed...
the insertion of tiny radioactive “seeds” into the prostate. The seed implant is an outpatient procedure, performed under anesthesia. The radioactivity of the seeds slowly decays during several weeks to months after the procedure, and there are few long-term risks associated with this treatment....
Treatment of prostate cancer TOP Prostate cancers at an early stage are potentially curable by surgery and radiotherapy. Cancers of low aggressiveness take between ten to twenty years to invade other tissues. When they occur in patients with advanced age they cannot be processed, since the risks ...
Add Cancer Risks to your health interests to keep up to date with relevant news and information. Add health interest Transcript Hello, I’m Associate Professor Phillip Stricker, Prostate Cancer Specialist and Director of the St Vincent’s Prostate Cancer Centre. I joined the Editorial Advisory ...
Prostate cancer, disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells within the prostate gland. Prostate cancer is a frequently diagnosed cancer among males. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of prostate cancer.