An interactive meeting was held comparing the current therapy standards in prostate cancer with the EAU guidelines. This paper contains a summary of the outcomes of this meeting. The EAU guidelines recommend curative therapy for patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer (T1b鈥揟2c). However,...
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, covering all aspects of prostatic diseases, in particular prostate cancer. The journal is of interest to surgeons, oncologists, clinicians, and researchers involved in disease of the prostate.
EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy):These X-rays destroy tumor cells by damaging their DNA. There is a brief exposure to the radiation, typically lasting several minutes. Once the prostate cancer treatment is over, there is no radiation in the patient’s body. The treatment is completely no...
March 15, 2011 (Hollywood, Florida) — "More rigorous" monitoring of active surveillance and "completely revamped" systemic therapy for metastatic disease are the big changes to the prostate cancer guidelines from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), said James Mohler, MD, chair of ...
Optimizing Care of Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer: Conclusion Clinical Case 4: Radiation Therapy Clinical Case 3: Extensive Lymph Node Disease Clinical Case 2: Solitary Lymph NodeVideo Interviews Dr Oh on the Development of Targeted Therapies in Prostate Cancer Dr Goy on Unclear Survival Benef...
Prostate Cancer Headlines, CAR-T Warnings and Laughter Therapy Alex BieseBrielle Benyon CURE® editors discuss last week’s biggest cancer headlines, from Dexter Scott King’s death to the potential of laughter therapy to boost quality of life....
The Society of Surgical Oncology surgical practice guidelines focuson the signs and symptoms of primary cancer, timely evaluation of the symptomaticpatient, appropriate preoperative evaluation for extent of disease, androle of the surgeon in diagnosis and treatment. Separate sections on adjuvanttherapy, ...
Burgeoning research on advanced PC and castration-resistant prostate cancer in recent years have paved the way for a new era of integrated treatment methods including novel endocrine drugs, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Future therapies involve precision treatment guided by genetic ...
"PARP inhibition, an oral tablet–based therapy without the toxicity of chemotherapy, is highly active against this disease," said Dr de Bono, who specializes in developing new molecularly targeted therapies for prostate cancer and leads the prostate cancer team at the Institute of Cancer Research,...
For patients with oligorecurrent prostate cancer, the use of PSMA PET/CT guidance for metastasis-directed therapy (MDT) provided over 19 months more median progression-free survival than choline PET/CT guidance, according to newly published research. MRI-Based AI Model Facilitates 50 Percent Reductio...