YouTube was searched for videos about prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, radiotherapy, and surgery for prostate cancer. The included videos were in English and <10 minutes long. Two physician viewers watched each video and assigned a score for information content (excellent, fair, poor) ...
The prostate cancer condition center is a comprehensive resource for cancer news & oncologist insights on prostate cancer. Read more about cancer at CURE.
After his prostate cancer surgery, Prof Cheng said the oncologist proposed an “all-in kitchen sink” approach to treatment. In my twenty-seven years dealing with cancer, this is the first time I encountered this word – kitchen sink treatment! In layman language it means going for maximum tr...
There are two possible operations that should be offered to complete a successful vasectomy reversal. Both of these are performed through a small incision in the scrotal area. At the time of surgery your physician will examine the fluid present at the testicular side of the vasectomy site...
"YouTube lacks high-quality educational surgical videos of green laser vaporization of the prostate, and more detailed explanations of the key steps of the operation are needed," the authors write. "We hope that more videos with higher educational value can be published in the future to help ... 2016. Vos SC, Sutton JN, Gibson CB, Butts, CT. Celebrity cancer on Twitter: mapping a novel opportunity for cancer prevention. Cancer Control. 2019;26:1073274819825826. Adrian N [@nathangadrian]. ...
The doctor’s words were abrupt and matter of fact. “You’ve got cancer.” Lonnell listened to this diagnosis in disbelief. It was 2000… and he had prostate cancer. They wanted to know when to schedule his surgery. Lonnell made them stop. He said, “I need time to process this.”...
" Professor Kim said. "Radiotherapy is a treatment of choice for localized prostate cancer, locally progressive prostate cancer with a cure rate comparable to surgery, and for patients who have multiple systemic problems that make surgery difficult or who are reluctant to undergo surgery. ...
Those of you who know Leah Lariviere, know her as the heart of our Foundation. 25 years ago, she began to help a small group of local prostate cancer support group leaders who started the Foundation. She has since helped it grow from a simple phone support line and a small network of ...
“Thanks to their foundation and foresight, we remain on the leading edge of translationally focused prostate cancer research,” Nelson said. “It’s more powerful to collaborate: Having the manpower, the resources, and the ideas from many investigators lets you innovate and promote the most impa...