Helping People to Cope with Prostate Cancer; ADVERTISEMENT FEATUREFOR the last four years, John Robertson, 56, has worked as a specialist nurse answering calls to Prostate Cancer UK's helpline.Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)
Prostate cancer is now the most common male cancer in the UK with 32 000 men diagnosed annually (Cancer Research UK, 2006). The increasing numbers of men diagnosed, as well as those requiring ongoing support, places a huge burden on NHS services. The best options for managing the disease ...
How Much Do You Know about Prostate Cancer? Advertisement FeatureFOR the past four years, John Robertson, 56, has worked as a specialist nurse answering calls to Prostate Cancer UK's helpline.Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Prostate cancer helpline for patientsAnnounces that the Mathews Foundation for Prostate Cancer Research is providing a toll-free helpline throughout the United States as of August 1995. Comments from Mary Lou Wright, president of ...