Metastatic prostate cancer survival rate.Fewer people (about 7%) have more advanced prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis. Once prostate cancer has spread beyond the prostate and nearby structures, survival rates fall. "Distant" prostate cancer has moved into farther-away areas of the body, su...
Most localized prostate cancer can be cured with radiotherapy. Over the past decade, treatment courses have been shortened with no deterioration in cure rate or adverse effects. Now, a small phase II trial has tested whether radiation could be delivered as a single treatment....
If prostate cancer is truly confined to the prostate, it is curable with surgery or radiation. However, in order to benefit from curative treatment, a patient’s life expectancy may need to be 10-20 years from the time of prostate cancer diagnosis. This is because many prostate cancers are...
Prostate cancer is comprised nearly always of adenocarcinomacells -- cells that arise from glandular tissue. Cancer cells are named according to the organ in which they originate no matter where in the body we find such cells. Thus, if prostate cancer cells spread in the body to the bones, ...
swelling of the legs related to obstruction of the lymph tissue by prostate cancer. It is always best to find and diagnose prostate cancer at an early stage and hopefully still confined to its site of origin. At that point, treatments can cure it. When prostate cancer is widespread or metas...
How successful is brachytherapy for prostate cancer? HDR brachytherapy is often used in combination with external beam radiation therapy, and studies have shown that it can be effective in treating prostate cancer, with a high cure rate and low rate of side effects. ...
Radiation therapy is appropriate for the primary treatment of localized prostate cancer, and secondary treatment for cancer recurring within the region of the prostate. These therapies are typically reserved for patients who are not candidates for surgery, or who do not wish to have surgery. Radiatio...
Prostate cancer (PC) is an epithelial malignancy occurring in the prostate. PC ranks second in incidence among all male malignancies globally by the latest statistics from the World Health Organization. Notably, China has seen a more rapid increase in PC incidence compared to developed European and...
Men who undergo prostate cancer surgery or radiation therapy can wind up with lifelong side effects like impotence or incontinence. Because of this, screening guidelines have tended to be conservative. But the science around prostate cancer detection has advanced in recent years, Dahut said. ...
Bone cancer stage 4 Prostate cancer survival End stage of bone cancer View more Pediatric Brain Tumors: Rare Brain Tumors In Children Triple Negative Breast Cancer Types of thyroid cancer and the prognosis Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Offers A High Cure Rate For Prostate Cancer Ne...