Early stage cancer is when the cancer cells develop within the prostate. Men with early stage prostate cancer have a chance to get the condition treated and increase their survival rate. There are some prostate cancer treatments are as Active Surveillance...
James Scarborough
Along with active surveillance, a full range of treatments for prostate cancer is available, includingradiation therapy;hormone therapy; cryosurgery; chemotherapy; and surgery, including robotic prostatectomy. "One of the things that has really changed over the last few years is the management of radi...
but which of these risk factors cause a prostate cell to become cancerous is not fully known. For a cancer to develop, changes must occur in the chemicals that make up the DNA, which makes up the genes in the cell. The genes control how the cell ...
swelling of the legs related to obstruction of the lymph tissue by prostate cancer. It is always best to find and diagnose prostate cancer at an early stage and hopefully still confined to its site of origin. At that point, treatments can cure it. When prostate cancer is widespread or metas...
If a prostate cancer is diagnosed then the treatment options on offer include nerve sparing surgery to minimise the chance of impotency, which means loss of erections, of which I have the largest series in Australia and one of the largest series in the world at over 1500 cases. Logostraight...
Hormone therapy does not destroy cancer but research has shown effectiveness in enhancing other treatments. Hormone Therapy Side Effects May cause impotence, weight gain, hot flashes, fatigue, loss of muscle mass; and hormone “flare” in LHRH use. ...
Radioactive treatments are highly effective for small scale tumors and in most cases leave the patient with bladder control and virility. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) – Prostate Cancer Treatment This treatment relies on sound waves to heat and to destroy malignant cells in the prostate...
Prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent malignancy, whose onset and progression are closely related to the activity of the androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway. Due to this critical role of AR signaling in driving prostate cancer, therapy targeting the AR pathway has been the mainstay strategy...
The goal of prostate cancer treatment isn't just to remove the cancer but to preserve the patient's quality of life. Specialized centers like the 'Changzheng Urology Pelvic Center' in Shanghai are dedicated to comprehensive post-operative care, focusing on urinary control and sexual function. Thi...