Prostate cancercan be complicated by spontaneous intracranial haematoma. 恶性前列腺肿瘤可能并发自发颅内血肿. 互联网 Prostate canceris most common in northwestern Europe and North America. 前列腺癌在欧洲西北部以及北美地区极为普遍. 互联网 The findings follow a number of recent advances inprostate cancer....
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, covering all aspects of prostatic diseases, in particular prostate cancer. The journal is of interest to surgeons, oncologists, clinicians, and researchers involved in disease of the prostate.
必应词典为您提供Prostatecancer的释义,网络释义: 前列腺癌;腺肿瘤;
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases(PCAN)在JCR分区中稳居双Q1:泌尿与肾脏学排名12/126(百分位90.9%)、肿瘤学65/322(百分位80%),依托前列腺癌专精化策略,近5年泌尿学排名年均提升1-2位,肿瘤学年均引用增长18%。 2. 影响因子 实时影响因子:5.2。 3. 自引率和引用关系图 Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Dis...
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases(PCAN)是Springer Nature旗下专注于前列腺疾病研究的权威SCI期刊,自1996年创刊以来,始终以“推动精准诊疗”为核心,成为泌尿外科、肿瘤学领域研究者不可忽视的学术阵地。其对于亟需发表高水平成果或追踪领域动态的科研人而言,这本兼具国际声誉与审稿效率的期刊,值得成为你的“科研加速...
Synonyms Carcinoma of the prostate ; Neoplasm of the prostate ; Prostatic adenocarcinoma Definition Prostate cancer originates in the prostate, a walnut-shaped gland in the male reproductive system. Fluid secreted by the prostate nourishes and transports sperm. Over 95% of cancers of the prostate ...
Overview Causes & Risks Symptoms, Stages & Types Tests & Diagnosis Your Prostate Cancer Care Team Treatment Remission & Recurrence Living With Support & Resources Appointment Prep Prostate Cancer Causes: What to Know Medically Reviewed by Shruthi N, MD on September 08, 2024 Written by Kendall K....
WebMD's slideshow covers prostate cancer: who's at risk, symptoms, tests, staging, treatments, survival, and foods that may help lower your risk for prostate cancer.
prostate cancer n.cancer of the prostate gland 同义词:prostatic adenocarcinoma 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) Age Limit on Prostate Cancer Screening? 前列腺癌筛检有年龄限定? The findings follow a number of recent advances in prostate cancer. ...