If you report bullying to the teachers or counselors, they will make you write it down, and then let the AP's handle. The AP's do absolutely nothing. They might call the kid that's bullying up and tell them to stop. But as a child, would you really just listen to blank words?
Number of full-time school counselors 1 Test Scores at Cynthia A Cockrell Elementary At Cynthia A Cockrell Elementary, 62% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 74% scored at or above that level for reading.Compared with the district, the school did better in ...
Until the middle of the 5th century, the leaders of Gallic society, lay and clerical, while learning to live with the barbarian newcomers, still looked to Rome for high office and protection. Thereafter they increasingly cooperated with the German rulers as generals and counselors. Thus, at ...