UL Prospector®赛百库 20多年来,产品开发人员一直使用UL Prospector®来查找将其创意推向市场所需的材料。Prospector®拥有10个行业260,000多种产品的技术数据。 立即开始 为数十万种产品提供准确可靠的技术信息 Prospector®是一个供世界各地产品开发专家使用的全球性材料和成分搜索引擎。我们的材料数据库让用户能...
UL Prospector® metals search engine is a valuable resource for engineers, designers and professionals in the materials industry, streamlining the process of finding suitable metal components for diverse applications. Register now to see how our property-driven search can help your next project. ...
成千上万种材料。 数百家供应商。 查找您需要的所有信息,更快地开发更安全、更可持续的产品。 您还将受益于我们数十年的行业经验和牢固的关系。 Prospector 集成了 45,000 多张 UL 塑料注册黄卡,让您可以直接访问有关 UL 评级材料的
UL Prospector® metals search engine is a valuable resource for engineers, designers and professionals in the materials industry, streamlining the process of finding suitable metal components for diverse applications. Register now to see how our property-driven search can help your next project. ...
Prospector is part of ULTRUS™ software from UL Solutions that helps you drive more efficient product formulation and development. Create your complimentary Prospector account today to streamline your material research process. Create your account ...
Prospector is part of ULTRUS™ software from UL Solutions that helps you drive more efficient product formulation and development. Create your complimentary Prospector account today to streamline your material research process. Create your account ...
Site session handling (set by .NET webserver): The web server uses nonpersistent cookies (not permanently saved on your computer) to save your choices while browsing the site. These are necessary cookies to support the basic functionality of the web experience, e.g., choice of language. ...
随后,UL将原有的黄卡数据信息融入这两个资源库,整合为一个查找原料与成分信息的专业化搜索平台,更名为UL Prospector®(中文名:赛百库),列入 UL供应链及可持续发展事业部下属的信息与洞察部门(Information & Insights)管理。 Prospector®赛百库提供在线自助产品展示服务,用户只需简单几步就可轻松上传产品资料,向...
Explore Prospector's in-depth technical data. Find UL Yellow Cards UL's Yellow Cards are a globally recognized safety and quality guarantee, a certified demonstration of how plastics have met a specific set of performance credentials. Find UL Yellow Cards ...
Jim Dodd UL Prospector 总裁兼首席营运官如今,随着社会经济水平的不断提高,终端消费者对化工类产品的质量,品质等要求不断攀升,促使化工行业加速产品的升级换代.作为供应链下游的化工产品生产企业,为了更好地将产品推向目标市场,需不断优化生产工艺,加速产品创新,通过对原材料的精准把控和成分信息的有效筛选,进一步提升...