A project to discover a porphyry copper deposit in New Brunswick commenced in 1965. In 1970, after five years of outcrop and boulder prospecting assisted by a major soil sampling survey, the discovery of ore-grade prophyry copper mineralization was made. The discovery area is mantled with 2–...
The University of New Brunswick (Canada).Dickson, Marni Lynne.The University of New Brunswick (Canada).Dickson, M.L. 2001. Drift prospecting and Quaternary geol- ogy in the Atholville and Charlo map areas, northern New Brunswick. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 170 p...
Geography Industrial heartlands of nature| The political economy of biological prospecting in Madagascar RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY - NEW BRUNSWICK Richard Schroeder NeimarkBenjamin DavidThis dissertation centers on the 50 year history and politics of biological prospecting in Madagascar. I...
Abstract: Surficial geology as a tool in mineral prospecting - a till sampling project in the Long Lake area, New Brunswickdoi:10.1002/anie.200906130electrochemistrygoldheterogeneous catalysishydrogen peroxide reductionnanoparticlesAngew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2010 Feb 8;49(7):1271-4. doi: 10.1002/anie....
Broster B.E., Dickson M.L., Parkhill M.A. Comparison of humus and till as prospecting material in areas of thick overburden and multiple ice-flow events: an example from northeastern New Brunswick, J. Geochem. Explor., 2009, 103, 115-132....