The goal of this study was to examine elements of prosody (through acoustic analysis and listener perceptions) and formulaic language in the naturalistic, conversational speech of individuals with treatment-resistant depression pre- and post-deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate white ...
Goal-directed training: linking theories of treatment to clinical practice for improved functional activities in daily life. BACKGROUND: Goal-directed training is an activity-based approach to therapy. Meaningful, client-selected goals are used to provide opportunities for proble... M Mastos,K ...
There are distortions of speech sounds as well as omissions and substitutions; these errors are variable but become more obvious with more complex phonetic combinations (Ferry et al, 1975). Such children do not progress well with speech therapy, having difficulty in correct positioning of the ...
completing the therapy [12]. The speech and voice prosody in PWDD were longitudinally studied during the recovery period of depression [13,14] or cross-sectionally compared with healthy people. The results showed increased jitter, lowered voice intensity, increased monotonicity, decreased speed of s...
The design of the digital game explores how to combine prosodic speech therapy techniques with game design techniques. The goal of the game is to improve emotional and grammatical, productive and receptive prosody in high-functioning children with ASD. uses a two-player design in order to balance...
Speech therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease. The goal of this paper is to characterize the properties of prosody and pitch perception tasks and to investigate whether they can be shortened. The pitch perception test evaluated is a tone-matching task developed by Javitt and ... S Scott...
However, these approaches based on learning have several disadvantages, including (1) if there is no established or shared tagged corpus appropriate for a research goal, a tagged corpus must first be constructed, and (2) the speech annotated corpus is expected to be sufficiently large and ...
(Computer-Aided Speech and Language Therapy or Computer-Aided Voice Therapy for altered voices). A good compilation for Spanish is distributed in the projectComunica,, which has a set of tools oriented towards children who need to train ...