& lt; br / > polychlorosulfates obtained according to the process of the invention can be used for the treatment of drinking water, of the effluents and in the papermaking industry.PASCAL DUFUOR
10. Asam sulfat dapat dibuat dengan bahan dasar belerang, udara, dan air. Proses atau reaksi yang terjadi sebagai berikut.S(s)+O_2(g)→SO_2(s) SO_2(g)+1/2O_2(g) SO_3(g)+H_2SO_4(aq)→H_2S_2O_7(aq) H_2S_2O_7(aq)+H_2O(0) Nama proses pembuatan atau pengolahan...
PENGARUH KOMPOSISI KATALIS ZEOLIT ALAM DAN KECEPATAN PENGADUKAN PADA PROSES PEMBUATAN ISOBUTIL OLEAT DARI ASAM OLEAT DENGAN ISOBUTANOL High supply of crude pump oil in Indonesia has created many opportunities for downstream industry on palm oil industry. One of alternatives for this downstream palm...
PENDEKATAN METODE TAGUCHI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PROSES PEMBUATAN PRODUK SABUN CAIR PENCUCI PIRING DI PT SM. PT SM is an industry company engaged in the manufacture of liquid soap. In producing liquid soaps found defective products due to differences in viscosity, which the company establishes ...
Desain Dan Pembuatan Alat Destilasi Asap Cair (Liquid Smoke) Liquid smoke is a condensate liquid from the pyrolysis of coconut shells which contains the main constituent compounds of acids, phenols, and carbonyls, so it is widely applied as a natural preservative in food and provides sensory cha...