Google Share on Facebook Acronyms notice of intended prosecution intimationthatmustbemadeto apersonoftheintentiontoprosecutehimforaroadtrafficoffenceandwhichisnecessaryifcourtproceedingsaretofollow.Thenoticemustbegivenwithin14daysoftheallegedcommissionoftheoffence.It isnecessaryonlyforcertainoffences.Generally,itdoes...
Light Camera System and Speed Enforcement Camera System for prosecution of red light and speeding offences, and the additional resources for enhancing [...] 她質疑為何當局可應議 員的要求披露與其他執法行動有關的資料,例如 為 檢 控 衝紅燈及超速駕駛而設的衝紅燈攝影機系統 及 偵...
In this role its mandate is fairly wide as the PPS can deal with administrative offences if it feels it would be opportune to do so, usually because the suspect is also a suspect in a criminal case. Special departments of the PPS are charged with ordering and, to a certain extent, ...