–Suited an introvert.Being an only child was great for me as an introvert. I had plenty of time to think and be by myself. I’d still have play dates with friends, but a lot of the time, I just hung out on my own, which I totally didn’t mind. –Maturity. One of the effec...
There are both advantages and disadvantages of being an only child. However, how each child feels depends on how the child has been brought up, among other factors. Growing up as the only child in the family, I got the whole and undivided attention of my parents, and I’m confident all...
The Pros and Cons of Being an Only Child That Fell on Deaf Ears; Columnist
The Benefits Of Abstinence-Only Education Imagine you’re sitting in your OBGYN office and they recommend putting you on birth control due to your periods being bad and you panic because you have little idea as to what they are putting you on because no one has talked to you about it. Yo...
Studies have shown that male students' exposure to female classmates can have a calming effect, which shows that simply combining boys and girls in classes has an effect on behavior. Studies have shown that males and females do have different patterns of behavior and attitudes; being exposed to...
In the introduction to his book Half Slave and Half Free, Bruce Levine quotes Carl Schurzs’ observation as the “slave question not being a mere occasional quarrel between two sections of the country divided by a geographic line, but a great struggle between two antagonistic systems of social...
of parenthood when you aren't a parent. Maybe parenthood does something to your mind that you only see the good stuff. Maybe it's sort of like that anti-drug commercial with the fried egg: This is your brain (perfectly shaped egg). This is your brain on drugs (egg cracked and fried...
Working versus being home with children. College savings. Owning real property versus renting. Payment of expenses. Sure, with a prenup, you’re discussing how to handle finances if the marriage ends, but these are weighty, important topics. If you talk about who cares for the children while...
The pros of having an abortion could be but not limited to, being unable to financially afford a child. There may be health risk for the woman so an abortion may save a life. The pregnancy may have been a result of violent crime or assault. “The 'Hyde Amendment' refers to an ...
Anderson was considered an assaulter and put into a testimony of a white-victim (Anonymous). Here his is being considered a criminal of a woman of another race to the trail and being a testimony of the victim that had said that he was he one that had assaulted her. However, when ...