Working from home can help you maintain a healthy work/life balance. You are no longer chained to a desk for a certain number of hours only to have to end up working overtime because you were not able to get your work done during those hours. Now you can make your hours and get you...
Which is better, working from home or in an office? Here are the pros and cons of each so you can decide what's your best work environment.
The flexibility that comes with working from home may be one of its most appealing benefits. Some jobs offer employees the freedom to tweak their schedules as needed, offering them more control over how they spend their time. This is particularly beneficial for employees who have young children ...
Related:20 Tips for Working From Home: How To Be Productive Outside the Office Improved technical skills Telecommuting often requires using technical applications, such as online meetings, communication, and team collaboration platforms. You are able to develop technical skills that you may not typical...
Possibility of burnout:When home becomes where you work and sleep, unplugging from work at the end of a day becomes difficult. In fact, 22% of remote workers said their biggest challenge when working from home was unplugging after their workday. The constant use of technology for everything:...
Working from home may enable you to have a better work-life balance. You are able to finish your work and do ‘life’ things. Whereas if you are in an office, you are obligated to stay there for the whole of your work time frame (for example 9 to 5, Monday to Friday). ...
There are certain companies that allow their workers to create their own working space, but for the most part, this isn’t the case. Workers are just shown to their cubicle, and that’s about it. If you’d rather be seated by the window, then too bad. When you work from home, you...
The downsides of working from home include social and professional isolation and lack of innovation from in-office interaction. If you're self-motivated and introverted, working at home might be for you while if you enjoy being in the middle of the action, you might regret going remote. ...
Working away from your boss could be a great motivator. Cons of working from home: Distractions. Home office offers a great deal of distractions; the fridge is always calling your name, the laundry needs to be done, the dog wants to go for a walk and one of my personal main distractions...
Not everyone is cut out for working at home,and it’s important to assess yourself and your characteristics before you decide to do so. Con—Work Can Take Over Your Life When you’re working from home, the idea is that it promotes more work-life balance, but that’s not always what ...