SQL Server supports row and page compression on tables, indexes and partitions. This can lead to reduced I/O and better performance. However, it can also result in additional CPU usage in some cases, outweighing the benefits of data compression. SQL Serv
It is a multi-Model database supporting Spatial Data, Structured Data (SQL), and Semi-Structured Data(JSON). Cons Enterprise pricing may be beyond what many organizations can afford. Even with performance tuning, Microsoft SQL Server can gobble resources. Many individuals have issues using the SQ...
I have fact and dimension tables and I have a cube. I am looking for some white papers or articles discussing the pros and cons of these datasources. For one thing, the cube uses M...
SQL Aliasing Pros and Cons 项目 2007/10/26 I wanted to write a quick note on the good and bad of using SQL aliasing for redirecting SharePoint between mirrored SQL nodes.Good - It's a very simple solution. Each application server in the farm simply needs to be configured with the ...
The excellent handling of referential and transactional integrity, its internal security scheme, the ease with which we can create backups are some of the strengths that can be mentioned. Cons PostgreSQL installation must be homogeneous across all supported operating systems It would be helpful to ...
of finance teams. Roll forwards to the 1990s and the super-vendors appeared: Oracle, SAP, Siebel, Microsoft and IBM. Their goal was to have a product to meet an organisation’s every IT and business need. If smaller competitors were offering functionality they didn’t have, they ...
Pros and Cons of Sap HANA vs MS SQL Server as the DBMS for a DWH for SAP BO Former Member on 2017 Oct 23 0 Kudos 6,645 SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA Hey guys I work for a mid sized company (170 employees). We currently have some basic reporting going on (WebI, ...
Karuana_Gatimu_MSFTHi Karuana and thank you for your feedback. I agree very much about the not-changing-url. My question was more related to the name on the page itself; Microsoft Learning Pathway. My customer wants to brand it more aka "Contoso Co...
What is the best approach and what are pros and cons?Has Microsoft published any article on this ?ThanksAvian Please advise","body@stringLength":"848","rawBody":" HelloWe are in migration planning to migrate contents from various file servers across the Globe to SharePoin...
Cons of SQL Server Triggers Triggers are not fired onBULK INSERTSunless you include the FIRE_TRIGGERS option in the bulk insert statement. Triggers needs to be properly documented. Triggers add overhead to DML statements. If there are many nested triggers it could get very hard to debug ...