Pros and Cons are compiled from review feedback and grouped into themes to provide an easy-to-understand summary of user reviews. Pros Customer Support 68 Ease of Use 51 Helpful 41 Integrations 27 Easy Integrations 26 Cons Poor Interface Design 16 Slow Loading 16 Poor UI 14 Lack of Informat...
misc{fb770906-4707-4759-bb36-af501e7dc461, author = {Artsberg, Kristina and Haller, Axel}, keyword = {professions,international accounting}, language = {eng}, title = {Arguments pros and cons the extension of the application of IAS/IFRS to the local level in Sweden and Germany - the ...
The cost can be a limiting factor as classes grow in numbers, which means that for commercial software more licenses need to be purchased and the use of such software is usually limited within the lab; students cannot install it on their own machines at home. On the other hand, as the ...