The Busy Homesteader’s Backyard Chicken Binderis full of checklists, to-do lists, record sheets, and resources to help you care for your chickens in the best way possible! The Chicken Tractor: A chicken tractor is basically a covered run on wheels. The chickens are enclosed but their house...
Good reasons to raise backyard chickens without a rooster You won’t want to consider getting a rooster if you want eggs for your table but do not want to hatch backyard chickens or eat fertile eggs. If you and/or your neighbors don’t like the sound of a rooster crowing all day long,...
Doing your research in your own area’s laws is important – especially because some towns and cities do not allow homeowners to keep chickens at all! 2. Aggression Don’t necessarily rule out the possibility of keeping a rooster just because you are worried about potential aggression. This is...
Roosters can be a great addition to any backyard flock. However, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of keeping roosters before you commit.
Chickens Pros Easy to get started (Adam calls them the “gateway drug” to backyard animals) Provide meat (broilers) and eggs (layers) A natural solution for processing most of your family’s food scraps Eat a lot of insect and worm pests that can cause trouble in your garden ...
and usually less expensive to make. A lot of green products cost more than their non-organic counterparts because the cost of manufacturing goes up; for example, the manufacturers may now have to buy by-products of organically fed chickens rather than accepting the products of the lowest bidder...