The reason is that there are pros and cons of college life. The college life has always been a great way for young people to acquire knowledge, gain experience and improve themselves. In college, students have to take classes as they did in their high school. College students also have a...
大学生打工利弊谈(ProsandconsofCollegeStudents'work) Onceuponatime,thenumberofmigrantworkersintheranks ofmanystudents.Onholidays,apartfromreadingandleisure, workhasbecomeanimportantpartofstudentlife.Thedebate overtheprosandconsofCollegejobsisrampant.Asurvey conductedbyauniversityinBeijingshowsthatabout60%of the...
A poll conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that 90% of employers have participated in a virtual career fair, up from 35% in previous years. Career Planning and Placement Career advisers assist students in determining which educational program to pursue and what com...
Thanks to modern technology, students can now attend class from the comfort of their homes. While online courses were once deemed inferior to lecture halls, the stigma has seemed to fade as technology advances and becomes a greater and greater part of a
One of the main cons of going to college is that it can be a time spent away from friends and family. College campuses are busy places, and it can be hard to find the time to socialize. This can lead to a lack of close relationships later in life. ...
4 Pros and 3 Cons The decision to attend college is a big one. Getting a college degree takes time: at least four years for most people. Getting a college degree also costs money: tens of thousands of dollars for most people. You might be asking yourself, "Is it worth it? Should I...
Pros and Cons of Ivy League Education When people hear about the Ivy League, they think about prestigious colleges, dozens of benefits, and crowds of applicants have a dream to get a desired “Accepted” notification. But we know that every coin has two sides, and the Ivy League is not ...
The Cons While dual enrollment has many benefits for the homeschooled family, it is not without its challenges. Community college can be a challenging atmosphere for high school homeschoolers. Classes are often diverse in terms of age ranges, and your child may or may not have the maturity ...
Map: Top 100 Public High Schools The 100 highest-ranked high schools are located in 26 states and the District of Columbia. Sarah WoodandCole ClaybournApril 23, 2024 States With Highest Test Scores The average test proficiency for historically underrepresented students in these states was 49%, U...
There is a distinct advantage for students who live on campus and own a car: you can travel where and when you want without relying on public transportation or the generosity of other students. But campus cars come with a cost—for more than just gas. Many colleges charge f...