optionalBool: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, optionalFunc: React.PropTypes.func, optionalNumber: React.PropTypes.number, optionalObject: React.PropTypes.object, optionalString: React.PropTypes.string, }, 在React.PropTypes.array和React.PropTypes.bool后面加上isRequired,表示optionalArray和optionalBool两项是...
var Propsva = React.createClass({ propTypes: { optionalArray: React.PropTypes.array, optionalBool: React.PropTypes.bool, optionalFunc: React.PropTypes.func, optionalNumber: React.PropTypes.number, optionalObject: React.PropTypes.object, optionalString: React.PropTypes.string, }, getDefaultProps:function...
var Propsva = React.createClass({ propTypes: { optionalArray: React.PropTypes.array, optionalBool: React.PropTypes.bool, optionalFunc: React.PropTypes.func, optionalNumber: React.PropTypes.number, optionalObject: React.PropTypes.object, optionalString: React.PropTypes.string, }, getDefaultProps:function...
1propTypes: {2//Id can be a number, or a string, but it needs to be defined!3id: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([4React.PropTypes.number,5React.PropTypes.string6]).isRequired,78//Messages should be an object with a title and text property of type string9message:React.PropTypes.shape({10t...
针对你遇到的错误信息 "is missing in props validation eslint(react/prop-types)",这通常意味着在你的React组件中,某个传递给组件的prop没有在组件内部通过PropTypes进行验证。下面我将根据提示逐步解答你的问题: 1. 识别和理解错误信息 错误信息 "is missing in props validation eslint(react/prop-types)" 指...
When using objects as maps (see: https://flow.org/en/docs/types/objects/#toc-objects-as-maps) in props, I seem to be getting 'missing in props validation' errors on all of the keys in the map. Is this intended behaviour or a bug? type Fi...
Hi, I came across the issue with react/prop-types rule. import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; const DisplayName = (props) => { const getNameDiv = () => { return {props.name}; }; return getNameDiv(); };...
ReactJS - props Validation - One of the time consuming process in a program is to find the root cause of a bug. In react, props are used extensively. Props of a component will have different source of origin. Some component will have static props, while
主要介绍了React教程之Props验证的具体用法(Props Validation),非常具有实用价值,需要的朋友可以参考下 React Props验证 React Props Validation2020-08-29 上传大小:51KB 所需:23积分/C币 尚硅谷教程React视频.txt 尚硅谷教程React视频 上传者:jamesylh时间:2019-10-08 ...
I just tested the version 7.20.6 and I got the error ... is missing in props validation . It's a Nextjs project and I want to add the linting now but I got the error on my components this is my package dependency "eslint": "^7.7.0", "esl...