The Prophetic mission of Muhammad (pbuh) was distinct from the mission of every previous messenger. Despite the intense opposition whipped up by a few, all the remaining people ended up accepting Islam, and proved to be very dedicated Muslims who made great sacrifices and spread the religi...
According to Ayesha (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) expired at night-time. When he was dying there was no oil in the lamp and his wife Ayesha (r.a.) had to borrow oil for the lamp. According to Anas (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) looked exceedingly bright in the night of his death. After ...
You should start following Prophet Muhammad’s daily supplications, in any language. If you do not, you risk embracing secularism and Satan. Be cautious—it's essential to follow your personal Guide (Hadi), Prophet Muhammad, wholeheartedly throughout your life. This devotion will lead you to ...
In short, Jesus was born miraculously as against the natural birth of Moses and Muhammad. "Yes!" is the answer. "Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses. And God says to Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:18 "LIKE UNTO THEE" (Like You, Like Moses) and ...
H.Prophet (s.a.w) Say’s: “You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should treat them by means of your moral conduct” New Page of "Short Stories" & "Articles" has been added to the Blog >> INTRODUCTION Moral conduct is a mood arous
Prophet Abraham (PBUH) said to Amina, “The child now in you, whose name will be Muhammad, is the only prophet from the descendants of my first son and heir, Ishmael (PBUH). Prophet Abraham (PBUH) then explained that the reason for the visit of the angels and previous prophets to her...
‘Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah…’ You have to see the verse in context with respect to the verses of the chapter, the preceding verse speaks of the prohibition of adoption in the formal sense of the word, that is to ...
One Hundred Words of Praise: Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s Poem about the Prophet Muhammad (百字讃) December 19, 2016 1 Comment Here is a new translation of the Ming Emerpro Zhu Yuanzhang’s poem about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by the longtime friend of the Islam in China project bro...
Yet this did not diminish Muhammad's wonderment at his other brethren, and he mentioned in particular the great beauty of Aaron. 目录展开 Prewords Exodus The Story of Prophet Moses (Musa) & Prophet Aaron (Harun) In Islam References Author Bio Don't miss out!
The ummah of Muhammad will reply them as follows: "We witness because Allah sent us a messenger. He sent down a book to that messenger. He narrated us your story in that book" Abu Hurayra said, "We are the last ummah that arrived but we will be the first ummah on the Day of Judg...