Related to Elijah (prophet): Prophet MuhammadE·li·jah (ĭ-lī′jə) Ninth century bc. Hebrew prophet who sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice. According to the Bible, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English...
Define Prophet Elisha. Prophet Elisha synonyms, Prophet Elisha pronunciation, Prophet Elisha translation, English dictionary definition of Prophet Elisha. Ninth century bc. In the Bible, a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor. Amer
马克·夏加尔(Marc Chagall)高清作品《The mosaic "The prophet Elijah" in the gar》 作品名:The mosaic "The prophet Elijah" in the gar 原名:马赛克&;quot;先知伊利&;quot;在花园里的马克夏加尔博物馆尼斯 艺术家:马克·夏加尔 年代:1970年,圣保罗-圣保罗德旺斯,法国 风格:素人艺术(原始主义) 类型:宗教绘...
Why did Elijah pray and what did he pray about? How was John the Baptist the forerunner of Christ? How do the violent take the Kingdom by force? Sermon ID 62019178497385 Duration 27:53 Date Jun 19, 2019 Category Midweek Service Bible Text 王輩之第一書 17:1 #Elijah #prayed #John ...
The prophet Elijah urged the people of Israel to turn from sin to the true God. His message is just as important today. The Bible prophesies an end-time Elijah. God responded to the prayer of Elijah the prophet and sent fire from heaven. ...
Malachi's message was a harsh indictment of Israel for allowing their relationship with God to be characterized by empty religious practice and open sin. In this backdrop, Malachi foretold of the coming of a prophet (like Elijah) whose work would be to prepareJIMMY BLYTHE...
Not all the prophets of Israel left deposits of oracles. The most extensive of the collections are found in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. The title of prophet is also accorded to others of varying importance, e.g., Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Nathan, and Jehu. Certain...
;Elijah以利亚;Yahweh耶和华;Muhammad穆罕默德;apostles传道;Ezekiel以西结;preacher传教士;Elisha以利沙;scripture经文; 英语例句库 1.People flocked to hear the newprophet. 人们成群结队地去听这新的 家演讲。 2.Aprophetmade a prophecy that the kingdom would fall. ...
Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. 以利亚是希伯莱圣经或旧约的一位先知. 期刊摘选 He glances up from the Prophet with a bored air. 他的视线从《先知报》上抬了起来,带着一种很无趣的神情. 期刊摘选 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. an authoritative person who divines the futur...
Elijah Casting His Mantle on Elisha(Illustrated History of the Bible) Elisha is first mentioned in 1 Kings when God commands Elijah to anoint Elisha successor. Upon hearing this command, Elijah set out from Mount Horeb in the Sinai Desert toward Damascus, seeking this son of the wealthy land ...