This psalm is seen as a prophetic depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus.ConclusionThe Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament are numerous and varied, spanning from the Pentateuch to the Prophets. They collectively paint a picture of a coming Savior who would be born of a virgin, suffer ...
The Passion of Jesus in ProphecyWas the crucifixion of Jesus written about in detail a thousand years before it happened? Find out with Dr. David Reagan and Nathan Jones on television’s “Christ in Prophecy.”Last aired on April 20, 2014.Resources...
Many very different Christian sites including: 1. Most Christians are deceived & placed In danger by deceptions and false Christianity. 2. A detailed summary of Bible prophecy! 3. Christian forum 4. Revolutionary bible indexer finds verses in 4 s. 5. Sal
This is the day we remember our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is the day we remember His suffering and crucifixion. He laid His life down as a sacrifice for us. As I write this there is thunder which…Read More › The King Is Coming!
8. This scripture is about True Jerusalem and True Israel born from above. True Israel is born through and in Christ. A nation of believers was born through Christ’s death on the cross being cleansed by his blood and the scripture is a prophecy about the crucifixion. The day that Christ...
Similarly, Isaiah 53 vividly describes the suffering servant, a prophecy fulfilled in the crucifixion of Jesus.Prophetic AuthorityProphets in the Bible were regarded as God's spokespeople, delivering messages with divine authority. The certainty of their prophecies was not based on human insight but ...
Psalm 22 foreshadowed the Roman crucifixion of Jesus A more detailed look at Psalm 22, which foretold that the Messiah would endure a public execution in which his hands and feet would be pierced. It foreshadowed details of a Roman form of crucifixion that did not exist at the time of the...
Gen. 3:15 – Jn. 19:18 – Satan bruises Jesus’ heel on cross Amos 8:9 – Matt. 27:45 – Darkness at crucifixion While it is a definite under-estimation of the true percentage (IMO), this is still quite an admission from Mike Bickle: ...
has the future mapped out in minute detail in His mind. Instead God speaks as if He has plans and then works with human actions to accomplish His purpose. In other words, the entire story of the Bible from God’scascading series of contingency planswith Pharaoh to thecrucifixion of Jesus....
Traditionalpredictions about Jesus fulfilling all the Feasts Spring: First Coming Pesach – Crucifixion Omer – Resurrection Shavuot – Holy Spirit Fall: Second Coming Trumpets – Tribulation (trouble + wrath= 7 years total) Atonement – Second Coming ...