What Easter (Resurrection Day) is Really About ByGreg HoltonApril 9, 2023•(0) Only the priceless gift of Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead enable us to have eternal life. Up From The Grave He Arose!
The first instance of a "turning to the Gentiles" proper was the baptism of the Roman centurion Cornelius, during the fourth year after the resurrection of Christ. In this interval the Jewish people had shown their determined opposition to the new "covenant" by imprisoning the apostles, ...
What is the meaning ofthe prophecy? This is the prophecy. The prophecy is much more than seeing into the future. For the prophecy is not limited by the constraints of time. For the prophecy sees things as God intended them to be. Andsigns, science and symbols are the greatest tools of ...
Look at the way the apostles of Jesus Christ died! Do you really think these apostles would go through these horrific deaths for something that was a fake? All of these men knew Jesus Christ was God, and he rose from the dead, and that is why they went through the types of deaths th...
This prophecy is affirmed in the New Testament with the birth of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:22-23).The New Testament continues this theme, with Jesus Himself making prophetic statements about His death and resurrection, as well as the future of His followers and the world. In Matthew 24, ...
The Top 3 Prophetic News Headlines of 2022-The number one sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the convergence of all the signs He said to look for. Jesus said, "When you see all these things take place, look up! Your salvation draws near"(Luke 21:28). What are the things...
Interesting facts about Jesus Christ The prophets foretold details about his life, death, mission, resurrection and of the impact he would have worldwide. View article » The Messiah would appear 483 years after a call to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:24-27) Daniel accurately predict...
Prophecies regarding Christ’s death and resurrection, for instance, took on new meaning with the aid of holy spirit. Naprimjer, proročanstva koja su se odnosila na Kristovu smrt i uskrsnuće dobila su potpuno novo značenje nakon što im je sveti duh pomogao da ih razumiju ...
(Shemitah) and Jubilee cycles. All sorts of amazing claims have been made the past couple of years regarding the relevance of these ancient cycles to those of us today. The claims have included predicting stock market cycles, to the timing of the 2nd coming of Christ, and the rapture. In...
The next is Moses, the founder and lawgiver of the theocratic nation, the mediator of the Old Covenant holding a degree of authority unequalled till the coming of Jesus Christ.“And there arose no more a prophet in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, in all the ...