During spermatogenesis, meiosis is accompanied by a robust alteration in gene expression and chromatin status. However, it remains elusive how the meiotic transcriptional program is established to ensure completion of meiotic prophase. Here, we identify a protein complex that consists of germ-cell-speci...
Cohesins are ancient and ubiquitous regulators of chromosome architecture and function, but their diverse roles and regulation remain poorly understood. During meiosis, chromosomes are reorganized as linear arrays of chromatin loops around a cohesin axis. This unique organization underlies homolog pairing, ...
The oscillation of the SPB-chromosomes ceases prior to meiosis I, which we define as time point t1 (Figure 1 and Supplementary Figure S1D). The time point for bouquet termination (t2) was defined as dispersion and dissociation of Taz1-YFP foci from the SPB (Figure 1 and Suppleme- ntary...