The Minnesota counties with the lowest effective property tax rates are Aitkin County (0.58%), Cass County (0.58%), and Rock and Lake of the Woods Counties (0.68%). Mississippi property tax rate Effective property tax rate: 0.77% Median home value: $180,800 Median real estate tax paid: ...
I do so with reservations over how much more complicated categorical determinations may become for adjudicators who must now decide what is an “appropriate Federal analogue” and consider that analogue, or any permissible combination of such analogues, in discerning whether a State offense is a fel...
Brought to you by Dianne Gregoire and Linda Rossi, brokers with Oregon First, a professional real estate company licensed with the Oregon Real Estate Agency. Contact: Dianne | Linda Get the Property Blotter by email First Name Last Name Email address: Brought to you by: Categories Buying ...
IP's Mill Sale Plans Fall Through The article reports on the failure of the International Paper Co. (IP) to sell its closed linerboard mill in Gardiner, Oregon in 2009. According to "The Umpqua," IP still has the 438 acres of industrial land and the mill site for sale af... The Ye...
Despite extensive logging, the BWCA still contains 540,000 acres of virgin forests, by far the largest such area in the eastern United States. This last remnant of the old "north-woods" is remarkable not only for its lakes and virgin forests, but also for its wildlife. * * * (M)any ...