Novel compositions and physical property comparisons for (A , A ′) 2.5 VMoO8 lyonsites (A=Zn, A ′ =Mn, Ni, Cu)doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2018.12.045Joseph N. TangM.A. SubramanianAcademic Press
Novel compositions and physical property comparisons for (A,A′)2.5 VMoO8 lyonsites (A=Zn, A′=Mn, Ni, Cu) - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/j.jssc.2018.12.045This work details a comparative investigation within the system Zn2.5?xA′xVMoO8 (A′2+ = Mn, Ni, Cu). Samples were prepared ...
LyonsiteCrystallographyNeutron diffractionMagnetismDiffuse reflectanceThis work details a comparative investigation within the system Zn(2.5-x)A'(x)VMoO8 (A'(2+) = Mn, Ni, Cu). Samples were prepared between 700 and 1000 degrees C, resulting in various colors. All three solid solutions were ...