Kauai CountyHawaii$1,737$741,1000.23% Avoyelles ParishLouisiana$320$136,5000.23% Washington CountyAlabama$426$181,3000.23% FAQs What are the states with the highest property tax rates? What are the states with the lowest property tax rates?
Property tax rates vary by location. Here’s a breakdown of average property taxes by state, and how much you can expect to pay.
The other Hawaii Counties all have a range of rates, which vary widely, according to the property type and who resides there. Honolulu’s property tax rate is the same for all residences, whether the owner lives in them or not. If you own, and live in, your home, Maui & Kauai do ...
If you are eligible, check here:claimyour Home Exemption by September 30, 2017and get your property tax rate reduced to $3.50 per $1,000 (0.35%) starting July 1st2018. Note: There are no changes for Kauai County property tax rates, but incremental property tax rate increases take effect ...
RewardExpert analyzed property tax rates, assessment ratios, and exemptions to determine which counties across the country have the lowest property tax burden relative to home prices and incomes.
When looking at the totals for all states and the District of Columbia, the median tax bill was $2,331. The discrepancy between states is largely explained by differing home prices and property tax rates, which range from an average effective rate of 0.32% in Hawaii to 2.23% in New Jersey...
States with the lowest property tax ratesStates with the highest property tax rates Hawaii (0.28%) New Jersey (2.49%) Alabama (0.41%) Illinois (2.27%) Colorado (0.51%) New Hampshire (2.18%) Louisiana (0.55%) Connecticut (2.14%) South Carolina (0.57%) Vermont (1.90%) Want to know more...
look into property taxes by state. The differences in property taxes by state from the highest (Illinois at 2.32%) to the lowest (Hawaii 0.28%) is astounding. Although, these are average property tax rates by state because many counties have slightly different property tax rates within a ...
If you want a big house on a lot of land, consider moving to a state with lower property tax rates. The highest property taxes are mostly in cities in the Northeast and coastal California. The lowest rates are mostly in the South and Southwest and, surprisingly, in Hawaii.4 Some states...
Property tax rates for each jurisdiction are calculated separately and the levies are added together to determine the total tax rate, called a mill rate, for an entire region. Property taxes equal the mill rate multiplied by the assessed value. ...