app.module.ts import{Module}from'@nestjs/common';import{ConfigModule,ConfigService}from'@nestjs/config';import{MongooseModule}from'@nestjs/mongoose';import{AppController}from'./app.controller';import{AppService}from'./app.service';@Module({imports:[MongooseModule.forRootAsync({imports:[ConfigModule...
NestJS 最早在 2017.1 月立项,2017.5 发布第一个正式版本,它是一个基于 Express,使用 TypeScript 开发的后端框架。设计之初,主要用来解决开发 Node.js 应用时的架构问题,灵感来源于 Angular。在本文中,我将粗略介绍 NestJS 中的一些亮点。 三毛 2018/12/21 3.1K0 BFF与Nestjs实战 typescript网站网络安全编程算法...
NodejsProject NoncompilableFile 無 NoPersistScope NoStroke 注意 NotExecuted NotificationAlert NotificationAlertMute NotificationAlertNoColor NotificationAlertNoColorMute NotificationHub NotificationHubError NotificationHubGroup NotificationHubGroupError NotInstalled NPM NPMError NPMNoColor NPMPrivate NPMWarning NuGet...
Describe the feature Allow us to use a nested object as a prop to a construct. Something like this: interface SomeConstructProps { readonly propA: { readonly propAA: string; readonly propAB: string; } readonly propB: string; } Currently ...
One thing I didn't include was that I fired before I read the file, Solution 2: First of all, every time that you read, (); Also, since you're file to read seems to be JSON then you may want to read, out in the comments, it should be noted that require() or read...
open a pull request可能有机会允许在库中使用dictionaries,但现在你最好的选择是修改Nest生成的swagger...
我使用 NestJS 和类验证器包。 在下面的函数中应该创建一个用户。您应该可以选择将预订添加到请求中。 @Post() async create(@Body('user') userToCreate: createUserDTO, @Body('booking') bookingToCreate: createBookingDTO | undefined): Promise<User> { return await this.usersService.create(userTo...
@nestjs/swagger#ApiPropertyOptional geojson#GeoJSON @nestjs/swagger#ApiHideProperty TypeScript Examples The following examples show how to use @nestjs/swagger#ApiHideProperty. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or sour...
nestjs ApiProperty type 怎么获取泛型 typescript泛型类 目录 泛型 泛型函数使用 泛型约束 多泛型使用 泛型接口 泛型类 泛型工具类型 泛型 泛型是可以在保证类型安全的前提下,让函数等与多种类型一起工作,从而实现复用,常用于:函数、接口、class中。日常我们创建的函数,传入什么数据就返回什么数据本身,即参数与返回...