is of the essence and situations arise when you least expect them. No bail is ever too big or too small for Ajua Bail Bonds to handle in Fresno, Madera, Kings or Tulare County in the Central Valley, California. Contact us whenever you need fast, efficient and confidentialbail bond ...
Tulare County, CA 4 Both fourth place Tulare County, California, and fifth place Kings County are located south of Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley. Coincidentally, or not, the median price of a home is the same in both counties at $249,000. Tulare County is the more populous of the ...
Proposition 60, approved by the voters in November, 1986, allows homeowners 55 or older to transfer the Proposition 13 base-year value of their principal dwelling to a replacement dwelling, provided that their new house is located in the same county and was of equal or less value than their ...