Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts(alternate),Michigan(alternate),Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri(Previous Years),Montana,Nebraska,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma
Understanding your likely property tax burden can be important if you're looking for thebest state to retire toor just considering a move somewhere else in the country. The above figures are generalizations, but can help you get an idea of what most people pay. ...
New Mexico Albuqurerque, Chama, Espanola, Espanola Valley, Grant County, Jemez Mountains, La Tierra Nueva, Las Campanas, Lincoln County, Red River, Red River Ski Area, Ruiodosa, Santa Fe, Sante Fe, Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort, Ski Apache, Taos, Taos Ski Valley New York Adirondacks, Amag...
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Significant Features of the Property Lincoln Institute of Land Policy NY Office of Real Property Tax Services PA Department of Community and Economic Development Colorado Department of Local Affairs Houston Chronicle...