NorthumberlandCounty NottowayCounty OrangeCounty PageCounty PatrickCounty PittsylvaniaCounty PowhatanCounty Prince EdwardCounty Prince GeorgeCounty Prince WilliamCounty PulaskiCounty RappahannockCounty RichmondCounty RoanokeCounty RockbridgeCounty RockinghamCounty ...
NorthumberlandResidential properties for sale in Northumberland Business ParkResidential properties for sale in Northumberland HeathResidential properties for sale in NorthvilleResidential properties for sale in NorthwaterbridgeResidential properties for sale in NorthwayResidential properties for sale in Northwich...
Located about an hour away from Scranton, Reading, and Allentown, Northumberland County is an attractive and affordable place to call home. Annual property tax bills here come out to an average of $600, and you and/or the seller will be liable for only $1,200 in property transfer taxes ...