Lancashire 1,366,273 valuations 9,703 for sale 1,646 to rent Leicestershire 505,867 valuations 2,603 for sale 804 to rent Lincolnshire 562,144 valuations 2,838 for sale 387 to rent Merseyside 727,304 valuations 5,058 for sale 1,641 to rent North Yorkshire 611,792 valuations 3,314 for ...
Property in UK 23:23:00 Offers in region of £295,000 3 bedroom detached bungalow for sale Gorwydd Road, Gowerton, Swansea Added today £265,000 2 bedroom semi-detached house for sale Slaidburn Avenue, Nottingham All sale results
Two sites near Chesterfield, one in Bradford and another in Lincoln will be first developments for housebuilders' new division. Vistry set to develop £31m Leicestershire residential neighbourhood Ciaran Nerval 23 Jan 2025 The scheme will include 83 homes built for Places for People and allocated...
Partnership Opportunity at Cleveland Lakes in the Cotswold Water Park Location: Cleveland Lakes, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Company: Cotswold Lakes Trust Tender: retail units at The Engine Yard, Belvoir Castle Location: Grantham, Leicestershire Company: Belvoir Castle Tender: Open Day at Hall Place,...
Duncan & Toplis, one of the largest accountants and business advisers in the UK, has acquired Derby-based accountants, Underwood Green. With locations across Lincolnshire, Leicestershire,... Plans for new rail freight interchange project set to generate up... ...
June Market Update Inflation, rising interest rates, and what that means for you in the local housing market. ... How much is your property worth? Book a free, no obligation valuation. Free Valuation Loughborough 18 Devonshire Square Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3DT 01509 278842 Email ...
Partnership Opportunity at Cleveland Lakes in the Cotswold Water Park Location: Cleveland Lakes, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Company: Cotswold Lakes Trust Tender: retail units at The Engine Yard, Belvoir Castle Location: Grantham, Leicestershire Company: Belvoir Castle Tender: Open Day at Hall Place,...
for sale in LeicestershireResidential properties for sale in LeighResidential properties for sale in Leigh CommonResidential properties for sale in Leigh CrossResidential properties for sale in Leigh DelamereResidential properties for sale in Leigh On SeaResidential properties for sale in Leigh Sinton...
A No1 TUDOR Cottages has stood in the south Leicestershire village of North Kilworth for 500 years. Rugby and Market Harborough are within easy reach. The black-and-white-thatched semi-detached, within walking distance of the White Lion pub, opens into the dining hall which has a heavily ...
Advising on the acquisition and completion on a phased basis of 10 warehouse / industrial units comprising 372,000 sq ft over 4 development sites at Willow Farm and Optimus Point Leicestershire, Blenheim park Nottingham and Kingsway Business Park Rochdale. Acting on the acquisition and redevelopment...