This retail center is located along Havana St, between E Kentucky Ave and E Exposition Ave. Formerly used for Havana Machine, this Site is ideal for a retail business with proximity to adjacent auto-related retail uses. There are a total of 4 separate buildings and 1 building, includ...
a new Office Max store has recently been completed in a new shopping plaza named Gleason Place. The Office Max occupies roughly half the site area leaving room for future development. Further east on US Highway 90, a stand-alone Eckerd's store and Kentucky Fried Chicken recently opened, and...
Understanding your likely property tax burden can be important if you're looking for thebest state to retire toor just considering a move somewhere else in the country. The above figures are generalizations, but can help you get an idea of what most people pay. ...
Jensen Huang was born in Taiwan and lived there and in Thailand until his parents sent him and his brother to live in the U.S. They enrolled him in Oneida Baptist Institute in Kentucky, thinking it was a private school, when it was in fact a religious reform school. “The ...
Indiana Roots: Born in Kentucky like her sister Loretta Lynn, but raised in Wabash, Ind. Who Did She Beat?: Connie Smith, Joey Feek, Preston Brust from LoCash, Steve Wariner. Notes: The "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" singer has dozens of Top 10 hits and is likely a future ...