在加载相关对象时要使用的 MergeOption 值。 异常 展开表 例外条件 ArgumentException selector 未提供有效的输入参数。 ArgumentNullException selector 为 null。 InvalidOperationException 实体处于 Detached、[F:System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added,] 或 Deleted 状态,或实体已附加到 ObjectContext 的另一个实例。
Primitive: Msidntld.dll Primitive: Msimg32 Primitive: Msoert2 Primitive: Mspatcha Primitive: Msrating.dll Primitive: Msvcrt40 Primitive: Mswsock Primitive: Nbtstat Primitive: Ncobjapi Primitive: nddeapi.dll Primitive: NetApi Primitive: Netapi32 Primitive: Netcfgx Primitive: NetClass Primitive: Neteven...
The driver implements Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes, and then this component dynamically builds property sheets for the WMI classes.Any WDM device can use this component as long as it implements WMI classes in a driver and sets up the registry to list this component as a devic...
DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains has us venturing “down the rabbit hole” into different topics all the time. This is a tech-adjacent, digital asset, pop-culture, tangent-positive monthly podcast – with some domains stuff thrown into the mix for ...
(NO)2}9/10 core could be modulated by the backbone lengths of the chelating thiolate ligands to tune the electrochemical redox potential ( E 1/2=1.64V for complex 1 and E 1/2=1.33V for complex 2) and to dictate structural rearrangement/chemical transformations (S-Fe-S bite angle and ...
E-758-T-232SC E-758-F-332 E-758-T-332 E-758-J-332 E-758-F-432SC E-758-J-432 E-758-T-432 E-758-U-232SC E-758-U-432SC E-758-F-132-HL-SC E-758-F-232-HL-SC E-758-J-232-HL-SC E-758-F-132-LP-SC E-758-F-232-LP-SC ...
The results of present research show that the middle section exhibits a relatively greater needle-puncture resistance compare with end section for three B. mori silkworm cocoons. With regard to different puncture directions, from external and internal surface, puncturing from internal surface exhibits a...
Apart from the DSMs and WSMs, another semimetals called topological Node-Line semimetals (Cu3PdN and Mackay-Terrones crystals) also show an interesting property such that the band intersection forms a continuous curve in the momentum space [43,44]. 2.2. The Main Properties and Characteristics of...
ehaelaeldedspsepceicmimene;n(;b()bS) eSmemi-ci-icrciruclualrarbebnednidnigngtettsetsitniinn UUUTTMTMM-2--522;55(;;c(()cc)T) ThThehefeaffiaaliisllpsspepceeicmciimmeneen;n(;;d((d)d)I)nIIndnduducutccitotiiononnhhehaeetaaitntiingnggoononnspsspepceeicmciimmeneennfoffororhrheheae...
1,4,5,8-萘四甲酸1-萘酚周位酸还原黄4亚甲基二萘磺酸二钠还原深蓝BOα-亚麻酸丁基萘磺酸钠1-硝基萘1,5-二羟基萘还原棕5单宁酸二壬基萘磺酸钡还原黄 2丁胺1-萘乙酸2-萘胺-4,8-二磺酸二甲基萘2-甲基丁烷扩散剂CNF5-氨基萘-2-磺酸环烷酸扩散剂DN苯酐5-氨基-1-萘磺酸高效减水剂聚萘甲醛磺酸钠盐1-碘萘...