Sol City Estate Info SOL CITY is located in Yuen Long District (Address: 1 MA WANG ROAD, HMA: Long Ping). The Date of Occupation starts from 2019.09.30. There are a total of 4 blocks, providing 720 residential units. The saleable area of SOL CITY ranges from 319 sq.ft. to 754 sq...
Sol City Estate Info SOL CITY is located in Yuen Long District (Address: 1 MA WANG ROAD, HMA: Long Ping). The Date of Occupation starts from 2019.09.30. There are a total of 4 blocks, providing 720 residential units. The saleable area of SOL CITY ranges from 319 sq.ft. to 754 sq...
The Choice Between Proportionate Fault or Ryan Indemnity in Maritime Property Damage Caseswarranty of workmanlike performancestevedoring contractsRyan Stevedoring Co. v. Pan Atlantic Steamship Corpbeach of warrantymaritime lawfull indemnityjudgmentsmaritime contracts...
development of standard insurance policiesinsurance organizationsproperty damagepollutionHistory of general liability insurance (CGL) in the US with focus on insurance industry policy drafting history concerning gradual property damage.Mayerson, MarcSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Further, after cycling 10000 cycles, they observed that the capacitance of the CNTs yarn SC get degraded (from 4.42 to 3.60 mF/cm2) due to the fatigue deformation was induced interfacial damage between CNT fibre electrode and gel electrolyte while in the case of the aerogel based devices it ...
SBATs distinguish themselves in the field of tweezers technology by using a single transducer for precise particle movement control [22,23]. This approach not only simplifies operations but also minimizes sample damage, marking an advancement in acoustic manipulation research [[24], [25], [26], ...
Oxonitridoaluminosilicates (SiAlON) are renowned in advanced ceramics for their exceptional properties: high temperature stability, excellent oxidation resistance, and good wear resistance. Incorporating micro- and nano-sized fillers into SiAlON matrices enhances their properties, yielding SiAlON composite mat...
In stark contrast, non-transformed epithelial cells are markedly more susceptible to death under FSS. Accordingly, we show that FSS resistance is a property conferred by oncogenes. We reveal FSS resistance to be a transient and adaptive response triggered by plasma membrane damage and mediated by ...
It also points out the logical inconsistency in the concept of the reasonable royalty rates when intellectual property rights are not ironclad.doi:10.2139/ssrn.926037Jay Pil ChoiCESifoCESifo Working Paper SeriesChoi, J.P. "How Reasonable is the `Reasonable' Royalty Rate? Damage Rules and...
The rock deformation and failure process mainly goes through elastic deformation, plastic damage, and brittle failure as shown in the stress–strain curves in Fig. 7. As \(\sigma_{2}\) increases, the rapid stress drop after the peak of the curve becomes more apparent and the curve tends ...