In addition, among motor carriers with property broker authority, general freight carriers tend to have less transportation capacity than specialized commodity carriers.Washington State University.Brown, Ralph Stewart.Washington State University.
For real property, the Supreme Court of Florida has construed the phrase “reasonable fees and costs of sale” to include only those fees and costs typically associated with the closing of a sale of real property, such as reasonable attorney’s fees, broker’s commissions, appraisal fees, docu...
I would suggest speaking to a mortgage broker who can do the leg work for you and find some of the best rates for your situation, understand the different types of fees for each product, and present all of the options to you in a clear way. As always, check how the broker is remuner...
St. Kitts and Nevis is a parliamentary democracy within the Commonwealth of Nations. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is head of State and is represented on the islands by a Governor-General. Basseterre is the capital of St. Kitts and at the same time, the administrative capital of the Fed...
GENERAL AVERAGE: An Ocean Marine coverage meaning a partial loss which has resulted from the voluntary and deliberate sacrifice of some cargo for the benefit of all concerned, and which must be shared by all parties (owners of ship, cargo and freight) in proportion to their interest. For exam...
(b) No claims management person, agent, agency employee, limited representative, broker, adjuster, appraiser, or other insurer's representative shall: (1) accept any gratuity or other form of remuneration from any provider of services for recommending that provider to claimants; (2) purchase ...
Discuss the tax implications in the hands of Mr. Hari and Mr. Rajesh assuming that Mr. Hari has purchased the building for Rs. 75.00 Lakhs on 12thJuly,2020. Also share your views in case Mr. Hari was a Share Broker instead of a State Broker. ...