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Rent the article at a discount Rent now * Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT. Get Access Summary Auxin-induced highly vacuolated thin-walled callus cells of several plant species, when ruptured, released large numbers of subcellular units most of which were enucleate. These en...
Thus the saturation magnetization of a paramagnetic solid i s M (O) s Ng /y^ J . Under weak f i e l d ccmditions, the B r i l l o u i n function i s asyotrptotlc to Bj(y)<5^y ( j + 1) 3J, y « 1 and for these conditions the paramagnetic susceptibility has a ...
The synthesis route for the final monomer. An epoxidation of the starting terpene was carried out to form α-pinene oxide1, which was then hydrolysed to givetrans-sobrerol2. This in turn was used to carry out a hydroboration/oxidation reaction to give the triol3, which was afterwards functi...