Verheugt, F. W., von dem Borne, A. E., van Noord-Bokhorst, J. C., van Elven, E. H., Engelfriet, C. P. (1978) Serological, immunochemical and immuoncytological properties of granulocyte antibodies. Vox Sang. 35, 294-303.
In this study, crumb rubber and diatomite were used to modify asphalt binder and the short-term aging effects on the properties of modified asphalts were evaluated. Three kinds of modified asphalt were prepared; they are diatomite modified asphalt (DA), crumb rubber modified asphalt (RA), and...
InInoordrderertotopprervevenent tththeremrmalalddisitsotortritoinon, ,wwhhicihchisisfoformrmididabablylycacuausesdedbbyywweledldiningghheaetatininppuut t dsgwthdsgruhohoruereooowilrndwovwisngIiveennsgtelshtgdtohhshtairdhehantadipeagtterwphertwpheceetortleoeoidwoflocdwpfiFnenriFilsengegdwsilvggud,...