Environmental effect of crude oil containing hydrogen sulfide on fatigue properties of steel plates for shipbuilding: Ouchi, H., Kobayashi, J., Ishikawa, T., Takezawa, H., Ebara. R. and Yamada, Y. Tetsu-to-Hagane (J Iron Steel Inst. J) (June 1994) 80 (6), 475–480 (in Japanese)...
The tensile strength within the interface bonding zone clearly increased with an increasing volume content of steel fibers. At 4 vol.% fiber, the interface split strength reached 92% of the overall split strength of cast NC. Through a flexural test, It is discovered that the split tensile ...
Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) has gained worldwide popularity due to its high mechanical performance. This research studied the influence of adding a mixture of two fibers (steel and PVA) on the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and f
Keywords: TRIP steel; medium-carbon steel; heat treatment; retained austenite 1. Introduction Increasing demands from the automotive industry have sustained the development of new steel grades with improved mechanical properties and lower amounts of alloying elements, in order to produce lighter vehicles...
2. Effect of Small Fast Vibrations and Surface Patterns In this section we introduce the method of separation of motions and apply this method to determine the stability criteria for the inverted pendulum and numerous similar systems, both in mechanics and physical chemistry. Then we discuss the ...