In linear algebra we often use the term "unitarily similar". DefinitionTwo matrices and are said to beunitarily similarif and only if there exists a unitary matrix such that Thus, two matrices are unitarily similar if they are similar and their change-of-basis matrix is unitary. Since the...
An asymmetric binary relation is similar to antisymmetric relation. The difference is that an asymmetric relation R never has both elements aRb and bRa even if a=b . Every asymmetric relation is also antisymmetric. The converse is not true. If an antisymmetric relation contains an element of kin...
During test blocks, participants were presented with the fixation dot cues and had to detect the associated stimulus pattern and polar angle location among similar lures (Fig. 1a, c; see Methods). All participants completed a minimum of four test blocks (mean = 4.33, range = 4–5...
current into the combination of many \(\theta \) currents (both color-singlet-color-singlet and color-octet-color-octet ones). similar arguments can be applied to relate $$\begin{aligned} \eta \leftrightarrow \xi ,\quad \xi \leftrightarrow \theta , \quad \theta \leftrightarrow \eta ...
S. Are preferential flow paths perpetuated by microbial activity in the soil matrix? A review. J. Hydrol. 393, 29–36 (2010). ADS CAS Google Scholar Chenu, C. & Roberson, E. B. Diffusion of glucose in microbial extracellular polysaccharide as affected by water potential. Soil Biol. ...
If we have two similar sets of atoms with the same distances between them and the same types - the scalar coupling constant should be very close. More closest atoms to the pair of atoms under prediction have higher influence on scalar coupling constant then those with higher distance ...
TheS-matrix element of the charged decaycan be expressed in terms of the invariant amplitudeA(s,t;u) as [Math Processing Error] (5) The amplitude is a function of the Mandelstam variables [Math Processing Error] (6) which satisfy the constraint ...
Let F Be a field,v(≥2)an integer,I_v the identity matrix of order v,and J_v the all-one matrix of order v.Let={aI_v+βJ_u,∈GL_u(F)|a,β∈F},and={C∈GL_v(F)|the row-sums and the column-sums of C are all equal}.In this paper,we study (1) the center and the...
Our results showed FeH in BM biopsies of MAS patients, whereas, LC–MS/MS identified FeL in the sera. FeH showed pro-inflammatory effects on macrophages, stimulated NLRP3, and increased PBMCs proliferation.Similar content being viewed by others Ferritin triggers neutrophil extracellular trap-...
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