A high power cw CO2 laser beam is generated from a resonator configuration having an axicon mirror as its end reflector. The properties of this beam are evaluated in terms of its polarization, focusing capability and temporal stability and the resulting effects on processing materials are presented...
Fracture and mechanical properties of laser beam welded joints were investigated. It was observed that standard round tensile specimens could not be extracted from narrow fusion zones of laser beam (LB) joints. It was also observed that a crack path deviation could occur due to strength mismatc...
激光的特性(Laser output-beam properties) 单色性: 指光强按频率的分布状况,激光的频谱宽度非常窄 相干性:时间相干性和空间相干性都很好 方向性:普通光向四面八方辐射,而激光基本沿某一直线传播,激光束的发散角很小 高亮度:在单位面积、单位立体角内的输出功率特别
Laser beams have unique properties.J which promise to extend the usefulness of photocoagulation in treatment of eye tissues, but the process is still in the experimental stage, the annual convention of the AMA was told. Milton Flocks, MD, and H. Christian Zweng, MD, of the Division of Ophth...
Because the modification region is far from the center of the laser beam, the laser radiation subjected to lower energy does not show as obvious ablation as the deep ablation area. However, due to the influence of thermal effects, the internal structure of this region has still changed. ...
A series of measurments of the irradiance scintillation of a He Ne laser beam propagating over complex terrain were carried out. The statistical properties of the irradiance scintillation, such as the scintillation index, probabitity distribution, and power spectrum were analysed. It was found that...
SUPEROLEOPHOBIC SUBSTRATES AND METHODS OF FORMING SAME Superoleophobic substrates and methods of forming same are disclosed. The methods include providing a laser-ablatable substrate comprising glass and directing a laser beam to the substrate surface and laser-ablating at least a portion th... P Maz...
The relative density of sample S1, which contained no Y, was 98.4%. This is because the sample had many pores, which reduced the density. Pores, which are often unavoidable, are a common defect in LMD-processed parts [22]. During LMD, a laser beam was used as the energy source. The...
光学器件;Wollaston棱镜;控制变量法;发散光束;发散角O436.3A10. 3969/j. issn. 1001-3806. 2011.06. 029Effect of Wollaston prism on splitting properties of divergent beam XUE LinWU Fu-quanJIANG Lin-lin 作者简介:薛林(1987-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事偏振光学器件的研究。2011-01-162011-02-252011年11...