The concept of high entropy introduces a new path of developing advanced materials with unique properties, which cannot be achieved by the conventional micro-alloying approach based on only one dominant element. Up to date, many HEAs with promising properties have been reported, e.g., high wear...
Substances contained in this document ( element systems and chemical formulae ) Zinc iron selenide (Zn(1-x)Fe(x)Se): physical properties关键词: Semiconductors II-VI and I-VII Compounds Semimagnetic Compounds 出版时间: 1999 ISBN: 978-3-540-64964-9 ...
elements.”Referencetoelementsismostfrequenttodayinthefieldofchemistry.Whatisa chemicalelement? Inthislab,youwillbegivenaseriesofplasticvialscontainingseveralcommonchemical elements:aluminum,carbon,copper,iron,magnesium,silicon,sulfur,andzinc.Youwill investigatethepropertiesoftheseelements.Byobservingcommonproperties,...
The experimental results showed that the different elements as mentioned above had varying modifying effect,of which the kalium was the best. The influence of each modifying element on the structure and properties of a high-chromium cast iron was analysed in this paper....
Thus, the multiferroicity driven by the substitution of rare earthR3+ions (R=Sm, Nd) on the A-site of PbTiO3perovskite ceramics has been investigated. In some samples, a transition element with large ionic radius, like Fe2+, has been also added on the A site. Polycrystalline ceramic ...
The diffusion of silicon atoms from the substrate into the BiFeO<SUB>3</SUB> film is detected by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). The element analysis is performed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Simulation results of RBS spectrum show a visualized distribution of ...
The Fe-Zr-C-N films exhibit better soft magnetic properties than those of the Fe-Nb-C-N films, which is considered to be due to the magnitude of the formation enthalpy关键词: amorphous magnetic materials annealing ferromagnetic materials iron alloys magnetic particles nanostructured materials ...
Sandwich complexes are an indispensable part of organometallic chemistry, which is becoming increasingly important in the field of lanthanide-based single molecule magnets. Herein, a fundamental class of pure sandwich complexes, [(η9-C9H9)Ln(η8-C8H8)] (Ln=Nd, Sm, Dy, Er), is reported. The...
Nickel is believed to be the second mostabundant elementin the Earth's core after iron. Nickel is a component of stainless steel. Nickel has an abundance of 85parts per millionin the Earth's crust. Nickel has an abundance of 5.6 x 10-4mg per liter of seawater. ...
Low thermal conductivity and enhanced thermoelectric performance of Gd-filled skutterudites With Fe compensation, the heavy rare earth element Gd-filledGdyFexCo4xSb12(x<2)skutterudites have been successfully synthesized by melting-annealing approa... R Liu,X Chen,P Qiu,... - 《Journal of Applied ...