Solid-state electrolytes with high ionic conductivity are promising candidates for battery applications. Experiments in one of these materials now reveal a mechanism that mediates ionic diffusivity and mirrors the vibrational properties of liquids.
The electronic and the ionic contribution to the free energy of alkali metals in intercalation compounds The process of intercalation is thermodynamically analyzed. It is shown that an ionic and an electronic component of the intercalation free energy can be d... H Gerischer,F Decker,B Scrosati...
This extremely diverse compositional space makes chalcogenide compounds a unique class of materials rarely seen in other materials classes such as semiconductors, large gap insulators, superconductors, silicates glasses, metallic alloys, etc. It is the formation of various possible chemi- cal bonds ...
Ionic Compounds || Physical Properties: Colorlight and electromagnetic spectrumelectron configuration of atomcrystal field modeldoi:10.1002/0470075104.ch7YoderClaude H.
Therefore, the time integrative or linear uptake properties of adsorption-based Speedisks and partitioning-based silicone rubber samplers were assessed with respect to chemically analyzed single compounds and measured bioactivity in in vitro bioassays. Both sampler types were deployed in consecutive and ...
The properties that define the composition of clay minerals are derived from chemical compounds present in clay minerals, symmetrical arrangement of atoms and ions and the forces that bind them together. The clay minerals are mainly known as the complex silicates of various ions such as aluminum, ...
As a con- sequence of the symmetry increase, inversion symmetry is usually introduced, signifying the loss of interesting polar properties, such as a simple spontaneous polarization. Hence, new ways to generate low symmetries in perovskite compounds are of interest. In the following, we show that...
The importance of stereochemistry to the function of molecules is generally well understood. However, to date, control over stereochemistry and its potential to influence properties of the resulting polymers are, as yet, not fully realized. This Review focuses on the state of the art with respect...
Additionally, a few studies have reported that salinity (i.e., ionic strength) of the surrounding water can influence metal adsorption on both biofilm-coated and virgin MPs (Qi et al. 2021a). Lin et al. (2021) found that higher salinity reduces the adsorption of lead onto MPs. Liu et ...
Ca5(PO4)3Cl straw-like sheaves and microrods were synthesized via a ionic liquids based hydrothermal method. The ionic liquids [Omim]Cl was utilized to introduce a new chloride source. The influences of the ionic liquids amount and reaction time on the final products were investigated in detail...